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Index ->> Indian wildlife Tour

Best of wildlife, Assam.

Duration - (14 NIGHTS / 15 DAYS)

Places Visited  - Delhi –
Guwahati - Manas - Delhi - Orang - Nameri National Park - Kaziranga National Park - Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary - Thengal-  Sangsua.- Majuli - Kolkata

This tour is specially designed for people with a strong interest in either wildlife or photography. The itinerary in the initial stage is without much of comfort but at a manageable pace. This itinerary is for people who are not fussy about luxury (especially at Manas and Orang National Park). Both in Manas and Orang the accommodations are inside the forest unlike other National Parks of India and very few visitors visit these Parks including Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary, as travelers are not aware of these locations. The whole itinerary revolves around the best possible game viewing, 

Like most safaris, one will enjoy the mammals but also take pleasure in the wealth of birds, beautiful scenery and plants. The best seasons to visit the Parks are between November till April. 

DAY 01 :- Arr. Delhi :- Met upon arrival and transfer to the prebooked hotel . Dinner and O/n in the hotel.

DAY 02 :- Delhi:- Full day city tour of Delhi along with an English speaking guide visiting to Red Fort, Raj Ghat, Qutab Minar, Himayun Tomb and drive pass India Gate , President House , Parliament house and the Diplomatic Enclave. Evening visit to Red Fort for Sound & Light Show. Later Dinner and o/n stay in the hotel.

DAY 03:  Delhi – Guwahati (Fly) :- Proceed to the airport as per the flight timings and upon arr. in Guwahati airport and transfer to Landmark Hotels or Hotel Brahmaputra or similar. Evening river cruise on Brahmaputra. Overnight in Guwahati.

 DAY 04: Drive to Manas (200 kms / Approx. 5 hrs drive). Brief stop at Barpeta Road, before reaching Manas, for entry formalities. In Manas, accommodations are basic, without electricity, without running water and simple food but very good, typical Assamese food (not spicy). The vehicle that will be used for transfers from Guwahati, the same vehicle will be used for moving inside the forest.

 Manas, at the base of foothills of the Bhutan-Himalayas in the state of Assam, with unique biodiversity and landscape is one of the first reserves included in the network of tiger reserve under Project tiger in 1973. It extends over an area of 2837 Sq. km from Sankosh River in the west to Dhansiri River in the east, with a core area of 500 Sq.Km of the National Park, which was declared in 1990.

Manas With the Manas river exploding out of the foot hills of Bhutan, the unique blending of dense jungle and grass lands at the confluence of Indian, Ethiopian and Indo-Chinese realms make this one of the richest region for wild animals. Not only is Manas one of the most beautiful reserves, it also harbours the largest number of protected species of India, ranging from large herds of Elephants and Buffaloes with smaller creature Pygmy hog, Golden Langoor, Assam roof turtle, and the Bengal Florican. 

The river Manas flows into the national Park from the gorges of Bhutan and split into two major streams of which the main water course comes out of the National Park about 30 km downstream is known as ‘Beki’. The peace and tranquility of Mothanguri tourists site on the bank of river Manas close to Bhutan is the rarest gift of the nature and its finest form

DAY 05: Manas :- Full day in Manas. Overnight in Lodge.

DAY 06: Manas -Orang :- Drive to Orang (265 kms / 6 ˝ hrs drive) – a lesser-known wilder destination. The Park in Orang with condition very similar to Manas is without electricity and without modern amenities. The Park in Orang has no facilities in which to buy provisions. There fore we need some time to buy provisions while driving from Manas to Orang. Added to this the driving conditions are generally pretty tough.

 Orang – A miniature Kaziranga covering an area of approximately 72 sq. kms. Animals to be seen in this sanctuary are one-horned Rhinoceros, Sambar, Barking Deer, Hog Deer, Tiger. Orang National Park is rich in avifauna. According to Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), after Manas National Park, it is Orang, which is the most habitat of Bengal Florican in Assam. The estimated population is about 30-40. The other species of birds are Pelican, Cormorant, Grey leg Goose, Whistling Teal, Great Adjutant Stork, King Fisher, King Vulture etc. Overnight in Forest Lodge.

Driving through Orang National Park 
The area comprises the alluvial flood plains of the Brahmaputra. Two distinct alluvial terraces, the lower portion of mere recent origin along the Brahmaputra and older upper portion to its north, are separated by a high bank cutting through the national park from east to west. The national park on the whole is a flat land. The terrain is a gentle slope from the north to south. The altitude ranges from is 45m to 70 m. The area enjoys typical subtropical monsoon climate. The major precipitation occurs during May to September, the average rainfall being 2000 mm. The temperature varies from 7°C to 35°C.

View from the Lodge (Orang)

DAY 07: Orang - Nameri :- Morning game drive by the same vehicle that was used for transfers from Manas to Orang. After lunch drive to Nameri National Park (140 kms / approx 3 hrs drive). Overnight in Eco-Camp. 

DAY 08: Nameri National Park. At Potasali near the picturesque Jia- Bhoroli River, a camping facility was set up in 1994 for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. The ECO-CAMP is the outcome of a joint effort of the Department of Forests, Wildlife, Government of Assam; and the Assam (Bhorelii) Angling & Conservation Association with financial support of the North East Council. Located in wooded surroundings and adjacent to the Nameri National Park in the Eastern Himalayan foothills, it is a mere 38 km from the historic town of Tezpur in the Sonitpur district of Assam, India. 

In recent years Nameri has become famous for it’s avifauna particularly because of the rare and endangered White Winged Duck. The world population is estimated at around 700. Above 50 of these residents are found in the Park that has an area of 200 Nameri National Park is a birder’s paradise and more than 300 species of birds have been identified here – four species of Hornbills, an abundance of Mainas, Bee Eaters, Barbets, babblers, bulbuls, Plovers, Ibisbills etc. Also seen are King Vultures, Fishing Eagles, Black Necked Storks and other resident and migratory birds. 

Full day in Nameri National Park including rafting. Overnight in Eco-Camp. 

Regulated Angilng:
Traditionally Nameri is known all over for its Golden Mahseer. The snow fed Jia Bhoroli river flows along the southern periphery of the Park adding to the breathtaking scenery. On a clear winter morning one-can se the snowcapped peaks of Eastern Himalayas as a backdrop. The swift river with its crystal clear waters is the home of the mighty mahseer – the dream of every sports fisherman. The Bhoroli record on rod and line is a 24.5 kg (52 lb.) golden mahseer. The Forest Department regulates angling and accords permission to angling members on a select stretch of the river, strictly on a catch, record and release basis (with own equipments). Anglers from all over the world come here for the sport. The other sporting species of fish found in the Bhoroli are Saal (Murral), Gorua (goonch), Korang or Sundarie (Indian Trout) and Boka (Chocolate Mahseer). The best spots for angling are approached by rubber rafts and the most favorable time for angling is November and February / March.]

Eco-Camp Rafting:
Rafting is a major activity in this fast flowing river full of exciting rapids. Eco Camp organizes safe and thrilling rubber rafts trips with expert rafting guides in a 20 km stretch of the river. In season, water birds like Cormorants, Merganser, Great Stone Plover, Mallard, Pochard and Brahmini Ducks are commonly seen. These rafting trips, meant for the entire family the entire family are essentially enjoyable float trips. Rafters may carry packed lunch and spend time swimming, sunbathing and generally relaxing on the different islands. Such trips have become on of the most popular attractions of the Eco Camp.

DAY 09: Nameri -Kaziranga :- Morning at leisure. After lunch drive to Kaziranga ( 2 ˝ hrs drive). Overnight in Aranya Lodge or New Forest Lodge .

DAY 10:  Kaziranga National Park :- Full day at Kaziranga
Area:  430 square kilometers
Coverage by water bodies: 5.58% (largely in the Western part)
Coverage by grassland: 66.4% (largely in the Western part)
Coverage by tree forest: 27.98% (largely in The Eastern part)

The variety of landscapes makes the Park a completely unique, stunningly beautiful feast for the eye.The Park is home to a very wide range of flora and fauna of distinct characteristics, forming a well knit natural community of fascinating complexity and beauty.

Movement in the park:
Either on elephant back (Kohora or Central Range only) or by authorized vehicles (all three ranges); all visits to the Park under the supervision of the Forest Department, Govt. of Assam.

The commonly sighted animals of the park are Rhinoceros, Asiatic wild Buffalo, Swamp Deer. Hog deer, Wild Boar, Elephant. Besides these Sambar, tiger, Leopard, Hollock Gibbon, Python are also seen.The park has a rich variety of about 300 different species of avifauna, the most prominent among them being Cormorants, Herons, Egrets, Storks, Pelicans, Hornbills, Eagles, Teals, Ducks, Pheasants, Patridges, Pigeons, Parakeets, Kites Woodpeckers, Florican etc.
Some note able birds, recorded in the Park are Spot Billed pelican, Large Adjutant Stork, Black necked Stork, Open Bill Stork, Purple Heron, Mallard, Palla’s Fishing Eagle, Crested Serpent Eagle, Bengal Florican, Red Jungle Fowl, King Vulture, Great Indian Hornbill, etc.                       

Rhinoceros (Kaziranga)                      

Early morning Jeep Safari. After breakfast Jeep Safari. After lunch Jeep Safari. Overnight in Aranya Lodge or New Forest Lodge.

DAY 12: Kaziranga :- Full day Game drive. Overnight in Kaziranga.

DAY 13: Drive to Jorhat  (90 kms / Aprrox. 2 hrs drive). Overnight in Thengal or Sangsua Tea Estate.                     

Accommodation at Thengal
Sangsua Bara Bungalow

DAY 14: Thengal or Sanqsua to Gibbon:-
Drive to Gibbon Sanctuary (40 kms – 1 hour drive) 
Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary: Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary is the only sanctuary in India to be named after a non-human primate, Hoolock gibbon (Hylobates hoolock).                                   
Faunal Composition: Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary is the most diverse spot for primates in India. Out of 15 species of Primates in India, seven species of primates are found in Gibbon WLS, which includes:

Slow lories                                 Nyctecebus coucang
              Rhesus macaque                       Macaca mulatta
Assamese macaque                   macaca assamen
Stum-tailed macaque                  Macaca arctoides
Pigtailed macaque                      Macaca nemestrina
Capped langur                           Trachypithecus pileatus
Hoolock gibbon                         Hylobates hoolock


Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary
Besides primates there are other mammals like- Elephant, Tiger, Clouded leopard, Leopard cat, Jungle cat, Indian civet, Porcupine, Pangolin, Malayan giant squirrel, Barking deer, Sambar, Wild boar etc.

The Avian diversity of the sanctuary is also very high and is represented by Hornbill, Racket-tailed Drongo, Parakeets, Doves, Pegions, Owl, Eagles, Kite, Treepie, Flower peaker, Fly catcher, Kaleej pheasant, Red jungle fowl, Crow pheasant etc.  Among reptiles Python, Cobra, Monitor lizard and Tortoise, etc. are found in the sanctuary.
Overnight in Thengal or Sangsua.

DAY 15: Thengal or Sanqua to Jorhat & fly to Calcutta to Bombay or Delhi  :- Transfer to Jorhat airport to connect flight to Calcutta.or you can fly back to Delhi or Bombay           



DAY 15:  Drive to Nimati Ghat (16 kms) and from there embarks to a Steamer to reach Kamalabari, a ghat on the Majuli island. Excursion to Majuli and return to Jorhat  Overnight in Thengal or Sangsua.

Nimati Ghat
– an island in the river Brahmaputra, one of the biggest river islands of the world, is a famous center of the religion of the Vaishnavas. Although the origins of Majuli may be uncertain, it is known for a fact that social reformer Sankerdev visited the island in the early sixteenth century. Sankerdev propagated a form of Vaishnavism that was simpler and more accessible than the ritualistic Hinduism of the time. His approach was rooted in faith and prayer, and stressed on the cultural aspects of life and living.

Sankerdev established satras (holy shrines) or monasteries on Majuli, to nurture the philosophy and practice of life. Of the many Satras in the Majuli island, the Auniati Satra, Dakhinapat Satra, Garmur Satra and Kamalabari Satra are noteworthy. The Satra for Auniati, for instance, has even today a hundred and twenty five disciples, and over seven hundred followers. The Satras take in young boys and groom them. The daily routine includes working in the field, tending cattle, prayer, discussion and study. The satras have also nurtured certain art and craft traditions, which can now be found only here.

The main occupation of the people is agriculture. Majuli has rich diverse agricultural tradition, growing as many as hundred different varieties of rice, all without any kind of artificial fertilizer or pesticide. Though productivity is low, most people manage to produce enough for their own needs, depending little on the market. Among the interesting varieties of rice produced are koomol saool, a rice that can be eaten just after immersing in warm water for fifteen minutes or so, like a breakfast cereal – bao dhan, that stays under water, and is harvested after ten months; bora, a sticky brown rice that is used to make the traditional peetha, a sweet made during the spring festival of Bihu. Other than agriculture, fishing and dairying are major occupations in Majuli.

Just as food is produced and consumed by themselves, so also the cloth that they weave: exquisite varieties and texture of silk and cotton. Every woman on the island, whether tribal or non-tribal, is an expert weaver, though like the agriculture, this is non-commercial, mostly just for the home.

The world’s largest fresh-water island of Majuli, has over 100 varieties of birds, while due to its unique location and environment, the number of winter migratory birds visiting the island has also been increasing every year.

The island develops a large number of beels (shallow water bodies) and other low-lying areas when the waters of the Brahmaputra recede after monsoon every year, thus facilitating the breeding of birds of various species during the winter months.

Birds that arrive on the island include white-winged wood duck, whistling teal, pelican, great crested greeb, white-eyed pochard, black-napped oriole, long-legged buzzard etc.

Majuli is one place where the use of chemical fertilizers in cultivation field is least, thanks to mighty Brahmaputra that leaves behind rich alluvium when it swells and floods the island every year. And due this unique composition of the soil of the island and pollution free environment, different types of flora are abundant here.

DAY 16: After breakfast transfer to Jorhat airport to connect flight to Calcutta. And onwards to Delhi or Bombay .

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