India Travel Club
Adventures & Holidays

Holidays Specials 

Ayurveda Tours Kerala
Buddhist Pilgrim Tours
Central India Tours
Chardham Yatra
Desert Of India-Rajasthan
Eastern India Tours
Textile Tours 
Golden Triangle Tours 
Land of Sun & Spices
Land of Gandhi-Gujarat
Palace On Wheels Train  Tours
Pilgrim And Culture Tours
Mumbai Holiday Packages
Rajasthan-Pushkar Festival

Royal Heritage Tours

Royal Orient Train Tours

South India Pilgrim Tours
South India Culture Tours
Tajmahal India Tours
Varanasi Pilgrim Tours

Adventure Tours

Amarnath Yatra
Kailash Mansarovar
Camel Safari India-Rajasthan
Elephant Safari North- India
Hemis Trekking Tours
Kangla Trekking Tours
Lamaru Trekking Tours
Nepal Trekking Tours
Padam Leh Trekking Tours
White Water Rafting in Nepal
Trekking Tours In India
Indian Tiger Tours
Culture & Tiger Tours
Tibet Trekking Tours
Wildlife Tours Rajasthan
Zansakar Trekking Tours

General Info

Distance Charts
Maps Of India
Weather Reports
Railways India Info
Travel Tips
Travel Information
Air Ticketing
Hotel Reservation
Fairs & Festivals
Club Travel-Adventures & Holidays Welcomes You To Explore INDIA
The    following   information   has been  gathered   for  you   to assist  you  with  your  trip. We   hope this information  will  be  of  help  to you  in   making your trip both safe  and     enjoyable. Always   keep   in   mind, though, that whenever you are abroad, if you come into serious difficulties contact the country's  embassy or consulate for information and assistance.
Your  trip  to  INDIA  can   be  a rich and rewarding experience. There  are  ancient   cultures  and  artistic traditions to admire and  a wealth  of natural wonders to see, all co-existing with modern societies. However, the customs and  local conditions can  be   as distant  from  home  as  the  miles,  and   travelers should plan their trips carefully.
Most  South  Asian countries  require    that   foreign  currency and   valuables   be   declared   upon    entry   as   a  means  of enforcing   restrictions  on  the  importation  of  items  such as gold, electronic ,equipment, firearms, and prescription drugs. Failure   to  make  an accurate  declaration or other violations of these restrictions can lead to high fines and imprisonment.
Most  South  Asian   countries have  strict  regulations against the unlicensed export of antiquities. Items  that  are  antique or   even   appear   to   be ,  may   be confiscated  by  customs officials  unless  the  traveler has proof  of  authorization from  the  appropriate  government  office to export the antique, or proof that the item is not an antique.
India   is   the   South  Asian  country most frequently  visited. Visas   must   be  obtained   before   arrival. Persons  arriving without  visas  must  leave on  the  next plane. If you plan to travel  from  India to  Nepal or another country and return  to India, be sure to request a multiple entry  visa. Tourist visas   are    issued    for   a  maximum   of  90  days. Once  in  India, visitors  who   wish  to   extend   their  stay must  apply  to a Foreigners    Regional    Registration   Office.    Extensions ,  if 
granted,  may  not   bring   the  total  visit   to more  than six months. Customs regulations prohibiting  the importation of gold   or   Indian   currency,  and  regulating  importation   of electronics    goods,   foreign    currency ,   and   firearms are
strictly  enforced.  Offenders  of  these    regulations   may  be jailed,   fined  and/or  charged  duty  at   rates exceeding 300 percent of the item's  value.  Laws  against    drug smuggling carry  heavy  penalties,  including  a   ten    year prison  term. Political   or     communal  and   inter - caste   violence  occurs intermittently  in  many    parts   of   the country. Major  civil disturbances  can pose  risks  to  a traveler's personal safety and  can  disrupt  transportation systems  and  city  services. In    response    to   communal  violence ,  Indian   authorities  may occasionally  impose curfews.  Foreigners  have   rarely been   the  targets  of communal or political violence in India, and  are  principally  at  risk of becoming  inadvertent victims only if  they stray into  demonstrations.  Whether  dangerous  or  not, many  areas of India have been declared off-limits to foreigners  by  the  Indian  authorities. Permits  are  required for : Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Assam, Tripura, Arunachal  Pradesh,  Sikkim,  parts  of  Kulu   District and Spiti District  of  Himachal Pradesh,  border  areas  of   Jammu  and Kashmir,  certain  areas  of  Uttar  Pradesh,  the   area west of National Highway No.5 running  from Ganganagar to Sanchar in  Rajasthan ,  the  Andaman   and  Nicobar   Islands  and  the Union    Territory    of   the   Lakshadeep   Islands.  Persons of
Indian  origin  can  usually  obtain   permits  to    visit  relative in   restricted    areas.   Other   visitors   may have   to wait  a long  time  for a   permit  or  be unable to obtain  one. Consult the  latest   Department  of  State Consular Information Sheet
on  which  areas  are  restricted.  Once  in   India,  consult  the country   Embassy   or   the   nearest    country  consulate  for information  on   restricted  areas  and  advice   on   obtaining permits  to  visit  them. None  of  the  popular   tourist  sites in
India are in restricted areas.


» Adventure Travel Tours » India Wildlife Tours » Golden Triangle Tours
» Beach Vacation Package » India Heritage Tours » North India Tours
» Honeymoon Vacation Package » India Temple Tours » South India Tours
» Hotel Package » Buddhist Pilgrimage » Rajasthan Tour Package
» Trekking Tours » Himalayan Panorama » Kerala Tour Package
» East India Tours » Yoga Ayurveda Meditation » Goa Tour Package
» Central India Tours » Gujarat Cultural & Textile Tours » Train Tours

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