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Index ->> Trekking Tours in India & Himalaya

Rupshu Trek

Delhi- Leh-Alchi- Rupshu Trek – Jispa – Manali- Chandigarh – Delhi -  (TREKKERS TREK) ( 21 Days)

Day 01: Arrive Delhi:
Arrive Delhi transfer to the domestic airport to catch your flight to Leh Arrives in Leh transfer to Hotel ,Rest of the day free for acclimatization.  

Day 02Day Sightseeing Stok and SOS camp:
Morning: Breakfast at the Hotel. Later sightseeing to Stok and SOS Tibetan village at Choklamsar. After breakfast drive to Stok via Choklamsar crossing the Indus River. It is situated at a distance of 14 km from Leh and takes 45 minutes drive. In Stok one can visit the Royal palace of present queen of Ladakh. In this palace there is a great collection of Royal Ornaments, Thankas and Statues. This palace is built in 1835 and the newest palace of Ladakh. After visiting this palace drive to Choklamsar SOS children’s village. Visit Tibetan refugee centre and Tibetan Handicrafts center. Drive back to Leh.

Day 03:Full day sightseeing  Leh / Alchi / Leh:
Morning: Breakfast at the Hotel. Later drive to
Alchi and Likir.

Alchi is 65 km from Leh and it takes 2 ˝ hours to reach there. Enroute visit Likir monastery. On the way to Likir one can see the great confluence of Indus and Zanskar River and beautiful villages Nimo, Basgo, Phyang. The fifth king of Ladakh Lachen Gyalpo builds this monastery. In those days the monks use to practice Zamarpa School. In the 15th century the monastery converted in to Gelukpa School. Presently 70 monks are residing and younger brother of HH Dalai Lama incumbents this monastery. After visiting this monastery drive to Alchi, which is 20 km from Likir and takes 1-hour drive. The great translator Ringchen Zangpo builds Alchi monastery in 11th century. The great translator brought 32 woodcarvers, sculptures and painters from Kashmir. He builds hundred temples and Stupas around Ladakh, Tibet and Spiti. Drive back to Leh. Rest  of the day at leisure. Overnight at Hotel . 

Day 04: Drive from Leh to  Hemis and trek Chukurmo (5Hours):
Morning: Breakfast at the Hotel. Drive to Hemis, which is 45 km and 1 ˝ hour drive. Visit Hemis monastery. Hemis monastery is the oldest and the richest monastery of Ladakh. After visiting Hemis monastery we start the trek to Chukurmo, to go down up to Marcelong and then gradually go up in the valley, passing by many gorgeous, then trek along the river up to Chukurmo. Overnight at camp Chukurmo.

Day 05:Trek Chukurmo to Base  of  Kongmarula (6 ˝ Hours):
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek to Base of Kongmarula Base . Today we trek along the riverside, we pass by a very beautiful V shape valley and many a gorges. You will cross small river streams several times. One can see from the camp the wild goats and sheeps. The campsite is at an altitude of 4600 meters. Overnight at camp Base of Kongmarula.

Day 06: Trek Base of Kongmarula to  Base of Kangyatse (6Hours):
Morning: Breakfast the camp. Trek Kongmarula Base to base of Kangyatse. Right from the camp starts the steep ascend to Kongmarula pass (5150 Mt.). From the pass you have a beautiful view of the famous peak called Kangyatse (6400 Mt.). From there descend to the summer pasture of Nimaling. There we can see the nomadic life of people from Markha valley. From Nimaling we continue walk up to a small plateau to reach the base camp. The altitude of the camp is 5200 meters. Over night at  camp Base of Kangyatse. 

Day 07:Base of Kangyatse:
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Day at leisure to prepare the equipment for climbing the Kangyatse mountain, which is 6200 meters. Overnight at camp Base of Kangyatse.

Day 08:Climbing to Kangyatse  Summit (8Hours):
Morning: After breakfast starts the climb of Kangyatse. This peak is not technical and you don’t need any special equipment. Once you reach the top you can see the whole mountain range of Zanskar and Karakoram.
Overnight at camp Base of Kangyatse.

Day 09:Trek Base of Kangyatse to  Base of Zolong karpo (6Hours):
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek to Zolong karpo base. Today you have to cross the small pass nearby the camp. After crossing the pass you will enter into Rupshu Valley. After this small pass you descend and follow the small river to reach the base camp of Zalong Karpo. The camp is situated at an altitude of 4300 meters.
Overnight at camp Base of Zolong karpo.

Day 10:Trek Base of Zolong karpo to Sorra (6 ˝ Hours):
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek Zalong Karpo base to Sorra .We have to go up through the valley for 1 ˝ Hour. And then steep ascend to the Zolong karpo la (5100 meters). From the top of this pass you descend down following the river until Sorra. The altitude of the camp is 4180 meters. Overnight camp at Sorra. 

Day 11:Trek Sorra to Dat (6 ˝ Hours) :
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek Sorra to Dat . A little way beyond the last house of Sorra go into a beautiful gorge with plenty of trees. Cross the Sorra River and go upto Dat River. These two rivers flow into Zanskar river further on leaving the valley go into Sorra transversal valley. Here we have to cross both the rivers. From here the valley becomes very broad. One can see several Mane walls and chorten on the way  to Dat village. Here the camp is situated at an altitude of 4280 meters. Overnight at camp Dat.

 Day 12:Trek Dat to  Lungmoche (7Hours):
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek Dat to Lungmoche. From Dat we have a nice walk for 3 hours on wide and plain area which fallow the trek up to Yarla pass (4950 meters). From the pass one can see the fantastic view of Rupshu valley. Easy descend to the summer village of Lungmoche. The camp is situated at an altitude of 4300 meters. Overnight at camp Lungmoche

Day 13:Trek Lungmoche to  Lun (5 ˝ Hours):
Morning; Breakfast at the camp. Trek Lungmoche to Lun. We have to cross the river 3 to 4 times today. From Lungmoche we have to walk down up to Sangtha and Jabuk the summer places for Nomads. We have to cross the river two times to reach Lun. Here the camp is situated at an altitude of 4160 meter. Overnight camp in Lun. 

Day 14:Trek Lun to  Morang la base (6Hours):
Morning; Breakfast at the camp. Trek from the camp to the left side and follow the small path gradually going up to the pass called Booby la. From the top descend around 100 meters and then continue following the small valley until the Morang la base. Here the camp is situated at an altitude of 4500 Meters.
Overnight at camp Morang la base. 

Day 15:Trek Morang la base to Tsokmetsic (6 ˝ Hours):
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek Morangla base to Tsokmetsic. Right from the camp starts the steep ascend to the Morangla pass (5300 meters). This pass is the steepest and one has to cross a glacier to reach the top. From the top one can see panoramic view of Rupshu valley with beautiful mountains ranges. Descend towards the Tsokmetsic camp. Overnight at camp Tsokmetsic.

Day 16 :Trek Tsokmetsic to  Jukthak(3Hours) and drive to Jispa:
Morning: Breakfast at the camp. Trek Tsokmetsic to Jukthak. Today is the last day of our trek, which is the easiest and very short one. Here we have to walk along the river up to Jukthak. Here your trek will end. From Jukthak drive Jispa which is 90 km and it will take you 5 hours. On the way you will see some villages of Lahoul region. The Buddhist people dominate this region. They speak the same language of Ladakh but the little deferent is the accent. . Overnight at Hotel .

Day 17:Drive  Jispa to Manali (115km 5Hours Drive):
Take your breakfast at the camp the drive to Manali through passing the many beautiful villages of Lahoul valley. On the way you will cross the Rohtang pass (3980M). From top of the pass one can see the beautiful view of Lahoul and Kullu valley. After crossing the pass descend to the beautiful valley of Kullu. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 18: Manali:
Day free at leisure. Overnight at Hotel . 

Day 19: Drive Manali to Chandigarh 320 km (8Hours Drive):
Overnight at Hotel . 

Day 20:Drive Chandigarh to Delhi 245 km (6Hours Drive):
Overnight at Hotel . 

Day 21:Delhi:
After breakfast visit Old and New Delhi.  Afternoon free . Late evening
transfer to International Airport for homeward flight 

New Delhi
New Delhi is the Capital of India is the fastest growing large city in India, rapidly catching up the colonial cities of Bombay and Calcutta in size, and long since eclipsing them in political importance.  In some are it remains a spacious garden city, tree-lined and with beautiful parks.  Delhi today is essentially 4 cities, spreading over the remains of nearly a dozen earlier centers, which once occupied this vital strategic site. 

Old Delhi
The oldest is now know as “Old Delhi “ or Shah Jahanabad built by the Mughal Emperor Shah in the first half of the 17th century.  Focusing on the great imperial building of the Red Fort and the Jama Masjid, this old City is a dense network of narrow alleys and tightly packed markets and houses, Muslim, Sikhs and Hindus living side by side.

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